Emotions are a funny thing. They can either make or break your day, week, or even your life. Negative emotions can weigh you down like an anchor, while positive emotions can make you feel like you're on top of the world. But have you ever heard of the emotional scale? If not, buckle up because we're about to take a deep dive into this amazing tool for managing your emotions.
It's Been Around for a Long Time
The emotional scale is a concept that has been around for a long time, but it was popularized by Abraham Hicks. It's a way of categorizing different emotions based on their vibrational frequency. Essentially, the higher the frequency of an emotion, the more positive it is, and the lower the frequency, the more negative it is. By understanding the emotional scale and where your emotions fall on it, you can gain greater control over your feelings and ultimately attract more positivity into your life.
Climb Up the Ladder
The emotional scale is a ladder, with negative emotions at the bottom and positive emotions at the top. At the very bottom of the ladder are emotions like fear, grief, and despair. These emotions are heavy and dense, and they can be extremely challenging to overcome. However, it's important to note that experiencing negative emotions is a natural part of being human. It's okay to feel sad, angry, or frustrated from time to time. The key is not to get stuck in these emotions and to use them as a stepping stone to move up the ladder.
As you climb the emotional ladder, you'll encounter emotions like jealousy, anger, and frustration. These emotions are still considered negative, but they are lighter and easier to overcome than the emotions at the bottom of the ladder. Jealousy, for example, can be a powerful motivator to achieve your goals, but it can also be a roadblock if you let it consume you. It's important to acknowledge these emotions and use them to fuel your growth, but not to let them control you.
Moving further up the ladder, you'll reach emotions like contentment, joy, and love. These emotions are positive and uplifting, and they can bring a sense of peace and fulfillment into your life. Contentment is a powerful emotion because it allows you to appreciate what you have and be grateful for it. Joy is infectious, and it can spread to others around you, making the world a happier place. And love is the ultimate emotion, as it connects us to ourselves, others, and the universe in a profound way.
At the very top of the emotional ladder are emotions like bliss, empowerment, and freedom. These emotions are the most positive and powerful, and they can completely transform your life. Bliss is a state of pure joy and happiness, where you feel completely connected to the universe. Empowerment is a sense of confidence and self-assuredness, where you feel capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. And freedom is a feeling of liberation, where you are free from the constraints of your past and the limitations of your mind.
The Emotional Scale in Your Daily Life
Now, you might be thinking, "That's great and all, but how do I use the emotional scale in my daily life?" Well, the first step is to become aware of your emotions and where they fall on the scale. When you're feeling negative emotions, take a moment to acknowledge them and ask yourself why you're feeling that way. Once you've identified the emotion, try to shift your focus to a more positive emotion. This could be as simple as thinking about something you're grateful for or doing an activity that brings you joy.
Another way to use the emotional scale is to set goals for yourself to move up the ladder. If you find yourself stuck in negative emotions, set a goal to move up one or two rungs on the ladder. For example, if you're feeling jealous, set a goal to shift your focus to gratitude or appreciation. Or, if you're feeling angry, set a goal to find a solution or a way to let go of the anger. By setting goals and actively working towards them, you can make progress towards more positive emotions and ultimately attract more positivity into your life.
Law of Attraction
It's also important to note that the emotional scale is closely tied to the law of attraction. The law of attraction states that we attract what we focus on, whether it's positive or negative. When we focus on positive emotions and experiences, we attract more positivity into our lives. Conversely, when we focus on negative emotions and experiences, we attract more negativity.
By using the emotional scale to shift our focus towards more positive emotions, we can align ourselves with the law of attraction and attract more positivity into our lives. When we focus on emotions like joy, love, and empowerment, we attract more experiences that align with those emotions. This can lead to a more fulfilling and joyful life, where we feel empowered to pursue our goals and live our best lives.
Becoming Aware of Our Emotions
The emotional scale is a powerful tool for managing our emotions and attracting more positivity into our lives. By becoming aware of our emotions and where they fall on the scale, we can take control of our feelings and actively work towards more positive emotions. And by aligning ourselves with the law of attraction through positive emotions, we can attract more positivity into our lives and ultimately live happier, more fulfilling lives. So, the next time you find yourself feeling down, take a look at the emotional scale and see where you can make progress towards more positive emotions. Your future self will thank you for it!